Friday, September 9, 2011

Red Roots New Road Vehicle!

       Well, we just got something that will make our road life easier... drum roll please.... We got a Sprinter Van Conversion!!!! Okay, the name sounds lame,  but that is why you have got to name it!! We mentioned some ideas in the video above, but you are more creative, so we need your name ideas!! Comment or Email your fav name for the sprinter van. You can either pic a name we mentioned on the video or one you came up with!!
     Okay, back to my original point. The Sprinter will allow us to do so much more on the road. It allows us to travel longer distances in shorter time, get more rest than before, do cartwheels, watch movies, play board games, eat, rest, read, play video games (yes we are gaming nerds sometimes), walk around and endless etc... Believe me, it rocks!! Well with all that said, there is still no name for it!! So don't forget, we need your help with that!! Thanks!! -Nicole

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1 comment:

DLIStix said...

I think you guys should call you van the Sassy-Fras. :P lol Love you guys lol